James Project
On Mission at Arrowhead
The James Project is a high impact missions opportunity that changes lives and trains leaders as they serve on the front lines at Arrowhead. Each year, dozens of James Project missions teams join us to serve as support staff during our summer programming and seasonal retreats. The James Project creates a formative experience designed to engage each groups’ specific ministry objectives. It is the next level of ministry partnership with churches, student ministries, para-church ministries, and families.
Our Passion
To partner with you to IMPACT lives with the TRUTH of God's WORD and make DISCIPLES like JESUS!
Our Vision
You can make an IMPACT on the FRONT LINES. Pastors, Lay Leaders, and Families: INVEST in your student leadership team, small group, discipleship group, or family and friends. Set the TONE for the next season of your student ministry. BUILD team work and unity. Serve and grow together as a FAMILY. Challenge your group to LOVE & SERVE others like Jesus.
Youth groups, student ministries, small groups, teens, adults, families, pastors, layleaders and more!
Group sizes can range from six to 30 group members and leaders. Group options are easily adjustable. Contact us for more info about group sizing and specific ministry involvement.
Ministry Opportunities include: CREW (kitchen, bathrooms, dining room & maintenance), Program Emersion (co-counseling, facilitating activities, leading chapel), and Group Projects at camp. Depending on the size of your group you can even choose which areas you would like to serve in.
Yes! There will be time throughout each day for things like - discipleship, solo time, prayer, planning, debriefing, hanging out, campfires, mini-golf, swimming & boating, snow tubing & broomball, and other seasonal activities.
You can choose to serve during a Shepherds Camp session or serve a guest group / retreat being held at Arrowhead. Both weeks and weekends are avalible all year long! Sadly, Summer dates are not flexible as they correspond with our Shepherds Camp Program dates. But, Fall, Winter, and Spring dates are flexible to fit your schedule!
James Projects Weeks: $180 per person
Jame Project Weekends: $75 per person
Your group/family can raise funds for Camper Scholarships, new equipment, or special
projects; surprise our staff with a pizza party, or do something special for our campers.
Did your question not get answered? Call 570.663.2419 or email bkarrowhead@gmail.com
Our James Projects:
Get your missions to camp call 570.663.2419, email bkarrowhead@gmail.com or connect below!
122 Arrowhead Cottage Rd. Brackney PA 18812
Phone: 570.663.2419
Fax: 570.663.2903
Email: bkarrowhead@gmail.com
Find us at Arrowhead Bible Camp
Find us @Shepherdscamp
Find us @Shepherdscamp